
Smarter video for safer healthcare

Use video to rapidly train and assess clinical students -
Accelerating learning to protect patients

Discover more

App Features

Easily and securely record clinical training videos in a HIPPA, GDPR compliant environment. Accelerate learning, asses and objectively record skills attainment.

Shared Learning

Post perfection and challenge students to achieve more.

Data Security

Secure data for assurance and record keeping.

OSCE Anywhere

Objective Structured Clinical Examination recording and asynchronous scoring.

Reduced Cost

Less reliance on busy clinical staff, freeing their time to care.

Robust Governance

Easy review of performance for review and result confirmation.

DOPS sign-off

Directly Observed Procedural Skills sign-off with objective record.

Simple & Easy to Use

We are using Machine Learning to make admin easier - leaving you to get on with the Medicine!

We've implemented many clinical systems and we believe the future of healthcare will be built on video and voice technologies that accurately record the care journey.

We are only starting !

We've implemented many clinical systems and we believe the future of healthcare will be built on video and voice technologies that accurately record the care journey.
